A Father's Love

A friend of mine called me Friday evening from the emergency room at the children's hospital. Her little boy, one of Olivia's good friends, had had an accident on his scooter and broken his leg. This wasn't just any broken bone, though. He had fractured his femur, the longest bone in his body, and would require surgery the next morning. They were in the process of admitting him when she called. Poor guy!

Since they were in the midst of emergency room chaos, I waited until the morning to drive over. I found them Saturday morning in an empty surgical waiting room. I'd never had a reason to be there on a weekend before, and the room just felt so big and lonely. I could only imagine how big and lonely it felt to them. I was so glad I had come.

Shortly after I arrived, my friend took a phone call and wandered off a little distance, so it was just her husband and I. He was visibly shaken. He recalled the experience of finding his son lying in the street, screaming in pain. He told me about how strange his leg had looked, how his ankle had pointed the wrong way, and how he knew that it was broken the moment he laid eyes on it. And although this daddy had kept everything together on the outside enough to get his boy to the hospital, he was still falling apart on the inside.

"It's so hard for me, because I've never broken any bones. I have no idea what he's going through. I can't tell him I understand," he said quietly.

I was touched by his desire to feel his child's pain. He wanted more than anything to be able to share it with him. He wanted to be able to say, "I've been where you are!" But he couldn't, and that made him so sad.

There is great power in empathy. Sometimes, just hearing someone say, "I've been where you are, and I survived" is all it takes to keep you going. This dad knew that, and it broke his heart that he couldn't give that to his child.

I'm reminded of God's love for me. Jesus left His throne to come here as a man, not just to save my soul, but also that He could say, "I've been there. I understand your pain." Hebrews 4:14-16 in the Message says it beautifully: "Now that we know what we have—Jesus, this great High Priest with ready access to God—let's not let it slip through our fingers. We don't have a priest who is out of touch with our reality. He's been through weakness and testing, experienced it all—all but the sin. So let's walk right up to him and get what he is so ready to give. Take the mercy, accept the help. "

God always understood you, because He is God. He knew everything about you before you ever were born. (Psalm 139) He came here and lived a human life with all of its struggles and sufferings so that YOU would know that He understands you, so that YOU would know you are never alone. He did all that so that YOU would know how very much He loves you. That is the Father's love. Let's thank Him for it today.

Father, thank You for Your great love for me. Thank You that I have a High Priest who understands me and intercedes on my behalf. Thank You that I am never, ever alone. Help me to remember every day that You want me to come boldly to Your throne of grace (Hebrews 4:16) so that I may receive the mercy and grace You have for me there. Thank You for Jesus, who made a way for me to get there.

In the Father's love,

copyright 2010


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