Grace Abounds

A good friend emailed me yesterday after reading my devotion. She was struggling with feelings of defeat in the area of self control, and she told me again how my self discipline inspired her. I almost had to laugh when I suddenly realized she doesn't know how alike we are! Just because I somehow seem to glean meaningful truths from the mundane things in life, teach Sunday school, and sing on the praise team doesn't make me some kind of spiritual giant. God wants me to make that clear everyone who may be struggling, so today, I'm going back to Proverbs 28:13. "He who conceals his sin does not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy."  Here are just a few of the ways I continually fall short of the glory of God.

I cannot seem to get out of bed when the alarm goes off to save my life. I've been struggling with that ever since I got married. It's not pleasant to start the day running behind, and yet, every morning, it's the same thing. The only difference between now and a couple of months ago is that I sit down and write these devotions anyway, making me even later! But you all don't see all the chaos and scurrying that happens behind the scenes. You just read the finished product.

I have such a problem with sweets that the only way I can get myself off of them is to periodically fast. I have found no way to resist besides promising God I won't touch them for a certain period of time, after which time I'll be safe from them for a while, until I have one little taste and start all over again. Why, just yesterday I resolved in my heart to start a sweets fast, but I wouldn't say it out loud. Then Olivia wanted donuts and my wonderful husband brought home a few petit fours from Tiffany's bakery. Five or six donuts and three or four petit fours fatter, I obviously did not find victory. Not a banner day for self control.

I also cannot seem to stay on my Bible reading schedule. It was wonderful at first when Chris and I started journaling through the Bible. Every night, we would read to each other and have the best discussion time. We would always have different revelations from the same scripture, so it was like two for the price of one. Then I got sick. Then Olivia got really sick. I started doing my devotions again. A new season of American Idol and the Biggest Loser started. And on and on and on. The world has creeped back in, and now I'm struggling to make more time for God's Word.

I'll stop there for now. I just want everyone to know and I confess right here and right now that I am not now, nor have I ever been, nor do I believe I ever will be, the kind of spiritual giant my friend perceives me to be. Personally, I don't believe such a person exists, because someone who's got it all together all the time doesn't need Jesus Christ, and I am definitely not that person! James reminds us in James 4:6 that "God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble." I humbly admit that I need His grace desperately. Do I deserve it? No way. If I did, I could earn it. If I could pay Him back, it would be a loan. But the Word says grace is a free gift. (Romans 3:24)

I encourage you today to accept that free gift. Because of God's great mercy and grace, there is no condemnation for us! (Romans 8:1) Be gentle with yourself. Don't ever think that another Christian has got it all together. Instead of comparing yourself to someone else, look inward and see what God is doing in you this very day! Be honest about your shortcomings to encourage others, but do not condemn yourself for it. Humbly ask the Father for help. Confess your sin, and because of His great mercy, He will be faithful and just to forgive. (1John 1:9)

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some rushing around to do...

Father, thank You that You never give up on me. Thank You that no matter how many times I fail, You are faithful and just to forgive me. I rely on Your grace today to produce the fruit of self control in my life. Teach me moment by moment how to trust You for it, and let my every victory encourage others to seek You even more.

In His merciful love,

copyright 2010, Amy Wallace


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