At Least...

A couple of weeks ago when Olivia was so sick, we went to the doctor early on Sunday morning and found out she had some strain of flu. That particular doctor believed it was swine flu, and I felt overwhelmingly guilty because I had not taken the time to have Olivia vaccinated. I felt so stupid and so responsible for this terrible sickness that would eventually keep her down for over a week. I told her on the way to the drugstore how very sorry I was. Her answer astounded me. Reminding me of a dear member of our church who had recently lost a short battle with cancer, she said very matter of factly,

"At least it's not leukemia, Momma."

She was right. I was upset about the flu when, just across the street, there were hundreds of people in the hospital with terrible, incurable diseases. As Proverbs 17:22 instructs, "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." Out of the mouths of babes, right?

I am working hard to adopt this way of thinking which I like to call negative positivity. When I start to feel sorry for myself, I just point out all the terrible things my situation isn't, and suddenly I begin to feel better! To show you how it works, here is a conversation I've been having with myself all morning.

Alarm goes off at 7:30. I hear a yappy dog barking somewhere in the neighborhood.

"Wow. That's a yappy little dog."

"At least it doesn't live right next door!"

"Thank God for that!  Oh, my neck is killing me! And my bones are popping. My bunion hurts! I feel old."

"Yes, but at least you can get out of bed, and two hours later than usual! It's Saturday!"

"You're right. I've known plenty of people who couldn't get out of bed, and that was terrible. Hey, what's this? Cat barf all over the living room floor?!This day stinks!" Generic grumbling ensues.

"You know, at least you have a carpet that needs to be cleaned. Lots of people are homeless."

"Good point. Shoot, I just spilled ground coffee all over my clean kitchen counter!"

"Wasn't it wonderful how your husband came home early yesterday to help you clean that kitchen? If he hadn't, you wouldn't have any motivation to clean up that coffee right now, because the whole room would already be a disaster."

You get the idea. I turned some praise music on, took a shower, and by the time I stepped out of the bathroom, I was ready to begin a good day. Attitude is so important. That's what Proverbs 17:22 is about. It doesn't mention anything about circumstances. Jesus promised that life would be hard. (John 16:33) Sometimes there's just no getting around the aggravations, disappointments, and sorrows in life. But if Jesus Christ is your best Friend, that's all you need to get through those days! Because in the other half of John 16:33, Jesus tells us to "take heart! For I have overcome the world!"

No matter what happens, abundant life is available to you. (John 10:10) Even when the doctor's report is bad. Even when the pregnancy test doesn't come out the way you wanted. Even when your best friend hurts your feelings. Even when you wake up late or break your toe or lose your mom to cancer. Even when when sorrow seems to be crushing you and every moment survived is a victory in itself. It could always be worse. There's always something to praise Him for, because Romans 8:28 is true for every believer in every circumstance. Try negative positivity today. It may be just the medicine you need to turn your day around.

Father, thank You that, no matter how bad my day or even my life seems, it could always be worse. Thank You that, because of who You are, there is always a reason for me to rejoice. Teach me how to stop grumbling and start praising instead. Teach me to live in the truth that "This day is sacred to our Lord. [I will] not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is [my] strength." (Nehemiah 8:10)

In His transforming love,

copyright 2010, Amy Wallace


  1. I had a negative-positivity moment today! Rey: Ugh, Donald came in late today, so I am making him come to work early tomorrow." ME: "At least you get to come home early!" This is a great lesson.


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