Joy for $1.25 a Cup

As you know, life's been crazy around here for quite some time. So after our Florida trip for last weekend fell through, we decided to take a little mini vacation at home. There was absolutely no funding to really do anything, but we still took the days off that we had planned, and we just got in a vacation state of mind. Cupcakes for dinner Friday, didn't do much Saturday, none of the usual Sunday work, and Monday we spent with friends swimming. I feel as rested as if we'd been on a real vacation! I guess my mind just needed to get away.

So yesterday was my first day back to the regular routine. Only this was the first day the "regular" routine was actually what it should've been weeks ago. In the last few weeks, I've limited my work schedule to one house per day, and yesterday was the first day that I had no pressing needs to fill for anyone else. So I dropped Olivia off at my mom's and headed over to clean for one of my very favorite clients. On the way, I stopped at the gas station near her house for a cup of coffee. I love gas station coffee. There's so many flavors to choose from and so many creamers to choose from and  so many sweeteners to choose from-all for $1.25 a cup!! You just can't beat that at Starbucks. But when finances are tight, even gas station coffee becomes a luxury. So yesterday when I found a little handful of quarters in the car, I knew it was coffee time.

I chose my cup and poured in the steaming hot French Vanilla coffee. Then two Splendas (my favorite fake sugar), and a little squirt of creamer. $1.29 with tax, and the cashier even grabbed a few pennies out of the jar so I could keep my last quarter! As I walked out of there, sipping my perfectly sweet coffee concoction, I thanked God for this peaceful moment. I thanked him for my leftover quarter, and  I thanked Him for my coffee, marvelling at the fact that one dollar and twenty five cents could bring me such joy. That's when the revelation came.

This is how I will learn to be content with whatever I have. (Philippians 4:11) I am learning to find joy in my fiery season of trial. When I have almost nothing, any blessing is huge. After all, how deeply could I appreciate a cup of gas station coffee if I had one every day? How precious would a kindness be if I hadn't ever felt lonely? How beautiful would the sun seem if I never experienced a day of endless rain? This is how I will learn to live in the moment, and be thankful for what is here and now.

 I have been so caught up in the constant struggles of this crazy year that I've forgotten to search out those moments of joy. I've forgotten to seek moments of God's blessings in the difficult days. I have forgotten that in the darkest night, even the tiniest light illuminates. I don't need a gigantic, life-changing blessing to sustain my joy; I just need those private moments of knowing that the Spirit of the living God  is with me. He is watching. He knows me. Not a moment of my heartache goes unnoticed, and if I will seek the Prince and not just His peace, I will have everything I need-and more.

Father, thank You for Your presence every moment. Thank You for the little ways You reach out to show me You are always here. Thank You that I am never alone. Thank You for these moments of joy. Forgive me for forgetting that You Yourself are my peace. Today, I will seek only You.

In His constant love,

coypyright Amy Wallace, 2010 


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