He knows my Name

Sunday afternoon, for some reason, Cartoon Network was showing a bunch of Christmas specials. It was actually nice to watch all the little cartoon people running around in the snow; it helps to think cool thoughts when the heat index is 110.  But as much as I LOVE summer in the South, even as I'm slathering on the sunscreen to go swimming, I'm secretly beginning to look forward to the change of seasons.

So I watched winter on tv and thought fondly about winter with its cold days and fireplaces and toasted marshmallows. When a little girl on tv finally made her way to the North Pole for some reason or other, she found Santa and proceeded to introduce herself to him. Imagine her surprise and delight when he finished her sentence for her. He already knew her name.

"You know my name?!?!" she gasped incredulously.

Wasn't that the most amazing thing about Santa, when you believed? To think that he could know every child in the world by name, and he knew their deepest, most precious desires. Didn't that make you feel special? And valuable? And loved?

God's Word says that He knows us even better than Santa Claus. Psalm 139:13 tells us that He knit me together in my mother's womb. His eyes saw my unformed body before I was even there. (v 15)All the days ordained for me were written in His book before one of them came to be. (v. 16) Did you know that The Lord called you before your birth? From within the womb he called you by name. (Isaiah 49:1) He knows your name!!

 The best part about knowing this precious truth is that God is not Santa Claus. He does not reward us according to whether we're "naughty" or "nice." In fact, there is nothing we can possibly do to "earn" His favor. Ephesians 2:8 says it loud and clear: "God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God." His salvation is free to us, paid by the blood of Christ. There's nothing you can do to make Him love you more. There is nothing you can do to make Him love you less. Because His love is perfect. It doesn't depend on who we are or what we do. It depends on who He is and what He does. And the simple, life changing truth is that God is love. (1John 4:16) Love knows your name today. That has to make it a beautiful day, no matter what.

Father, thank You for Your perfect love. Thank You that it reaches me, no matter how I fail. Thank You that it never changes. Thank You that You've always known my name. Remind me of that when I feel lonely or discouraged. All that matters is that You are for me.

In His steadfast love,


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