Sometimes Something's Gotta Give

I cleaned a house yesterday where two parents, four children, and a cat reside. Both parents work in schools, and all the kids are school age, so I had already imagined life must be crazy around there right about now. Still, I was surprised at the disarray I walked into yesterday. It looked almost as if a small tornado had blown through the kitchen. I could imagine what that morning must have been like; I've had mornings like that, and I only have one child. Think what it would be like with four!

When I went upstairs, I was surprised to find almost none of the beds made. The usual rule in this home is that if a child's bed is not made, I'm not allowed to go in there. I love that rule. It keeps them accountable. It teaches them that following the rules has its advantages. But this day, it was obvious that no one had time to follow that rule! I reluctantly walked from room to room, resisting the temptation to make the beds. It's so hard for me to leave things undone, even if I'm following orders. But when I walked into the parents' room and found it in the same condition, that was it. I couldn't help it! I decided to temporarily suspend the rule under these special circumstances.

I felt such compassion for them, because I know the kind of frantic busyness that causes that type of disorder. Sometimes, something's just gotta give. If it comes down to making the bed or getting the kids out the door on time, the bed will lose. Or if it's dishes in the sink or getting lunches made, guess what doesn't get done? That's how it should be, in my opinion. There's just not always time for everything, and priorities must be set. People should come first; house second. If I have to choose, I'd rather have my kid happy and prepared than have my house look good, wouldn't you?

As I was putting everything back in order, I thought about the relief Mom would feel when she walked in and knew she didn't have to deal with it. The last week of school is not a time when it's worth battling over unmade beds. She would be able to do what needed to be done for her kids and husband without having to watch everything else pile up. You see, while sometimes letting them pile up is necessary, the problem with dishes in the sink and full trash cans is that, they will continue to collect, so the problem gets bigger. That means at some point, the longer you wait, you'll have to find MORE time to deal with them. That's how people get overwhelmed. That's why it blessed me so much to get it done for them.

As I made up beds and vacuumed upstairs, I realized that this is exactly what God has been doing in my life. The Word says that "God is not a God of disorder but a God of peace." (1Corinthians 14:33) I have found that to be true. My life was full of disorder on every level. Physically, all my surroundings were cluttered and in disarray. I had no idea how to manage my time. Or my money. Or my spiritual gifts. Or my relationships. But God saw that I was in way over my head. When I opened the door to Him, one by one, He began to put things in order in my life. I just had to surrender to His way.

Now, my surroundings, though still in need of a little further organization, are more orderly than they've ever been. Tons of clutter is gone. Now, I am learning to manage my time in a way that people sometimes ask me, "How do you fit all that into one day?" Now, my husband and I are finally learning how to manage our money, which has been a lifelong struggle for me. Now, God is teaching me how to use my spiritual gifts for His glory, and it thrills me beyond belief. Now, God is the head of all my relationships, and that takes so much pressure off of me!! Just like I went in and put everything back in order in that house yesterday, God is always willing to come into my life and do the same. The only thing I have to do is welcome Him in, surrender my chaos to Him, and then follow whatever instructions He gives me.

Are you in over your head today? Got some clutter piling up in your house, your heart, or your spirit? Well, I know the best Housekeeper there is, and I just happen to know that He has opening in His schedule for you. Give Him a call; He never turns anyone away.

Father, thank You for the peace that comes from surrendering my life to You. Help me to take an inventory of my life today. Show me what areas have not yet been surrendered to You, and give me the grace and the courage to hand them over today. Remind me of all the miracles You've done in me so far. Let Your faithfulness inspire me to surrender all.

In His peaceful love,

copyright 2010, Amy Wallace


  1. Thanks for reminding me that I don't have to "have it all together" before I can turn it over to God. My bed doesn't have to be made before He can come in and clean. But rather it's when in the midst of chaos that he does his best housekeeping!! Good word Amy!!


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