I Will Give You Rest

Yesterday was a long day. I cleaned one house that took almost five hours. It needed what I like to call the "mother-in-law treatment," as this single man's someday in-laws would arrive from another country at six o'clock to visit his home for the very first time. He was very nervous, and the house was, well, dirty. I worked hard all the way through, stopping only to drink a tall glass of ice water now and then, and delighted at my client's openness in talking about God.  At times I felt as if I might never finish. I actually thought I might cry when I looked into the refrigerator I'd been asked to clean at the last minute. By the time I got home, I was sweaty, stinky, and sore all over.

I showered as soon as I got home, and dinner was tacos, since that was super fast and easy. After Olivia went to bed, Chris joined me in our bed, where I could only lie there and enjoy quiet conversation. Though it took what little energy I had left to stay awake for that hour or so, it was totally worth it. He read our couples' devotion, and we talked. He even ignited some hysterical laughter in me, which I didn't even know I had the strength for! It was such a blessing to just lie there with him and rest.

Being that tired reminds me of the few days we were in that play at church. During that time, I felt emotionally the way I felt physically last night. Worn out, beaten up, sore all over, not sure I had the strength left in me to do it all again the next day. But it felt good, because I knew I had worked hard. I knew that I was doing something important, something that would change someone's life. I knew I was doing exactly what God wanted me to be doing in that moment, and I knew that I was going to sleep like a rock that night. When I work hard, it is easy for me to rest.

The Message Bible reads Matthew 11:28 this way: "Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."

When I am in a place that God has led me to and I  give it all I've got, I might get tired, but His rest will come easily to me. I will discover those "unforced rhythms of grace." Just like I found myself in our comfy bed last night with a husband who knew exactly what I needed, when I follow Christ into the kingdom work He desires me to do, I will find Him in the pauses, waiting for me to steal away with Him to a quiet, comfy place. As long as I follow Him, God has promised, "My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest."

Father, thank You for that precious place of rest I find in Jesus. Thank You for Your faithfulness to me. Thank You for meeting me in those weary places and refreshing me again. When I have trouble resting, remind me to consider the possibility that perhaps I made a wrong turn somewhere. Help me to retrace my steps and find the place where I stopped following Jesus. Help me to turn back and go where He leads, and thank You for the certainty that He will be there waiting patiently for me.

In His longsuffering love,

copyright 2010 Amy Wallace


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