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From the Heart of God

I have always been a vivid dreamer. When I was a child, I learned to lucid dream, even before I knew what that meant. Then, as a teenager, I began to have prophetic dreams, and I hated it. Every year from 8th grade until I graduated, at least one of my classmates died, and my dreams could predict the manner of death and the gender of the victim, although I never had a clear face. So I would walk around, sometimes for weeks, wondering....who next? And sometimes I didn't even know the people. I even dreamed of Columbine before it happened. And the Emanuel AME shooting.   I've also had recurring dreams, from the typical (teeth falling out, going to school without clothes), to the horrific (running for my life, facing tornadoes and tidal waves). Sleeping can be exhausting for me sometimes! These dreams are no joke.   Even before I knew Jesus, I knew that dreams were important. I sensed that there was more to them than just my sleeping mind sorting through the worries of a day. But

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