We love coupons. Saving money, while necessary in this household, has also become something of a sport for us. When Chris learned how to properly coupon, there was such a rush in walking out of CVS with a bag full of nearly free things that there was no stopping him. He finds daily deals, coupons, sales, free stuff, you name it. He can always find a way to make something cheaper. I fondly refer to him as the Coupon King. I've been amazed that someone who lived as a bachelor for 38 years could be so talented at saving money.

Being so money minded that way, it really spoke to me one Sunday morning when our worship pastor cried out to our whole congregation in the midst of our worshipping, "You were bought at a price!! YOU WERE NOT CHEAP!!" That was a month or two ago, and the words are still echoing in my ears.

I know it was God speaking, because His Word agrees. "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought with a price. Therefore honor God with your body." (1 Corinthians 6:19-20, emphasis added) He said it again in 1 Corinthians 7:23. "You were bought at a high price; do not become slaves of men."

When I was tempted and sinned, I sold myself to the devil. It was a bargain for him, and it cost me everything. I ended up so far away from God, I didn't even know how to find my way back. My life was empty and lonely and just plain crazy. But then Jesus came. He was the only One who had what it took to buy me back. But for Him, there were no bargains. There was no sale. There was no coupon for me. He had to pay the full price, no way around it, because I was worth that much to the Father.

I am so grateful for how He rescued me, so willingly, so passionately, so completely, without complaining about the cost. He was glad to do it! In fact, that was the whole reason He came. He endured everything that my sin deserved, and now I can stand before God, spotless, white as snow, accepted, knowing that I am loved and I have a purpose in this world. I want to thank Him with my life that I am forgiven.

Do you need to be reminded today that you came at a high price? You may have made mistakes. You may have been lost or wrong or broken, but YOU WERE NEVER CHEAP. Do not be a slave to any man's words who tells you differently. It cost God the very best and most He had to provide you a way back to His loving arms, even though you were the one who walked away. I pray that you will glory in that extravagant love today.

In the Father's flawless love,

copyright 2012


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