Don't Be Afraid!

Last week, Olivia decided she wanted to get her ears pierced....again. We've tried this twice before, once in kindergarten and once in first grade. Both times, it was more trouble than it was worth. Her ears never got infected exactly, but they just didn't heal up like I wanted them to. In first grade, we finally got to the end of the eight weeks and changed the earrings out, but it hurt, and there was a lot of drama, and we both finally agreed it wasn't worth it. SO, last week, she decided to try again. I called the doctor's office to see if they had any advice about making it go more smoothly this time, and they did. So Friday after school, Olivia, Chris, and I headed over to Claire's. Again.

We didn't even get in the door before she started crying. She was SO scared! She knew exactly what it would feel like this time, and even though she really, really wanted the earrings, her fear got the better of her. We took a walk down to Moe's to settle down and have a little talk about fear.

I knew if she didn't do it, she would be miserable. She was already mad at herself for backing out. She would have regrets until she went back and did it. I know all about that, because I used to live afraid of everything. Because of my own struggle with fear, I was able to help her and encourage her. Yes, God has taught me an awful lot about fear.

The Bible says that "God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline." (2Timothy 1:7)

I explained to her that if the only reason we don't do something is because we're afraid, that's not a good enough reason. I explained to her that when we let fear make our decisions for us, the enemy wins. But if we trust God to give us the wisdom and the courage to make good choices, then He wins. That's not to say that we won't FEEL afraid. But feelings aren't truth. They change. They're not always rational. "The LORD is with me; I will not BE afraid." (Psalm 118:6)  Notice the psalmist didn't mention anything about feeling afraid.

The bottom line, and what Olivia learned on Friday when she marched back into that store and got her ears pierced without so much as a tear, is that FEELING afraid is very different from BEING afraid. We can't help how we feel. But we can choose what we do in spite of those feelings. Even Jesus felt afraid when He faced the cross! (Luke 22:44) Courage isn't acting without fear. It's doing it scared. So if you have a giant looming ahead of you, trying to block your path to victory, don't wait until you FEEL like confronting it. Even if you're shaking in your boots, keep walking toward it!! Trust in God. He promised in Deuteronomy 31:8 that "The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." Just show up and trust God for the strength. And just like Olivia, you will have something beautiful to show for it on the other side of that battle.

Father, thank You for Your promises, that never fail. Thank You that I can always trust You, no matter what. Thank You that, no matter what I'm facing, You are always bigger. I choose to trust You today, even as I step into uncertain places. I know that, no matter what else might change in my life, Your Word will stand forever.

In His invincible love,

copyright 2011, Amy Wallace


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