The Kingdom Of God

I cleaned out Olivia's bedroom a while back in preparation for birthday gifts. I try to do that every year so there will be room for the new toys. In doing that, her knock knock joke book was unearthed, and ever since then, she's been reading it. But you know knock knock jokes are no fun to read quietly to yourself. So any time I'm driving, or cooking or cleaning, Olivia is right there with her book.

"Knock knock."
Sigh. "Who's there?"
"Sarah who?"
"Sarah another piece of pie? Hahahaha!!"

"Knock knock."
Sigh. "Who's there?"
"Catch who?"
"Bless you! Hahahahaha!"

"Knock knock."
Sigh. "Who's there?"
"Turnip who?"
"Turnip the heat-it's freezing in here! Hahahahaha!"

Sometimes it amazes me how these jokes never get old to her.  We've had this book for several years. Actually, she wasn't even reading yet when I first bought it, so I had to read them all to her. And here we are, four years  later, laughing at the same old jokes.

On the way to school the other day, listening to non-stop knock knock jokes, my thoughts were turned to my Father. Just like Olivia and her knock knock jokes, there are things God does that never get old to me. There are things I could watch Him do every day for the rest of my life and never tire of watching. Like sunsets. Sleeping babies. Wildflowers. Shooting stars. Tiny bugs and giant whales. Mercy. Revelation. Transforming love.

In Mark 10:14, Jesus said, "“Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children. 15 I tell you the truth, anyone who doesn’t receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it.” 

I want to enter the Kingdom of God. I don't know or understand everything about it, but I do know my Father. I know that He is love. (1 John 4:8) I know that He is merciful and gracious and patient. (Exodus 34:6) I know that He only does what's best for me. (Romans 8:28) I've experienced Him in my very own life, and I only want more. That's why I find Luke 17:20-21 so exciting. "Now when He was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, He answered them and said, “The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.”

The Kingdom of God is already inside me. It is coming here on earth as God's work in me manifests itself through the love, mercy, and patience I am able to show others through His grace. God's kingdom is me. It's you. It's everyone who wants Him enough to surrender to His sovereignty in their own life. And like a child with a knock knock joke book, I will never tire of watching the beautiful things that happen when people surrender themselves to God.

Father, help me to keep a child-like fascination for You. Let me never tire of watching You at work. Help me to always believe You, to always bring my needs to You, knowing that You will meet them. Let me never lose this faith that leads me boldly into Your throne room as Your trusting child. Thank You for Your faithfulness, My Father.

In His wonderful love,

copyright 2010, Amy Wallace


  1. Oh Amy, your words warm my heart. I wish more people could read your blog. God is speaking through you with His awesome anointing. Keep writing, keep sharing.


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