Perfect Timing

Yesterday was so I sat down to write, there was nothing. That kind of mental stillness is very rare for me. Usually the problem is that I can't catch a thought because they're bouncing around so fast. But yesterday? Nothing. So I sat still a while and waited. Still nothing. Hmmm....So I wrote my little poem and went about my day.

Since I have begun keeping that precious baby, I've reworked my schedule so that I only have one house to clean per day. I was already redoing my schedule that way to give the carpal tunnel in my wrist (and the cubital tunnel in my elbow) a rest. But yesterday I ended up with two. Olivia went with me to keep the baby happy, and I also had a helper, to keep me on time with the cleaning. Although we had to keep moving all day to be done in time for Olivia's doctor appointment at 3:40, we did it! Right on time! We were right on schedule to take our helper home so that Olivia, the baby and I could head over to Olivia's appointment. Baby's grandma would meet us at the office when she left work and get her precious bundle there. I like it when schedules work.

Then it happened....I couldn't find my keys. We searched the house-no keys. We searched the diaper bag-no keys. I went outside and peered through the car windows, praying I didn't see them in there-no keys. Now I was getting bent out of shape. Lord, I prayed, did I just waste all that energy and pay someone to help me stay on time, just so we could miss this appointment? What is up with THAT???

Finally, just as I was preparing to call roadside assistance to come and unlock my car door (AGAIN), I remembered where they were, just like that. I walked into that room, looked on the chair, and there they were!!! Not five minutes later, my mom called.

"Don't worry-I'm fine, but..._"

I knew what that meant. She was at the emergency room at the hospital right next to Olivia's doctor's office. There had been a bad accident. She thought her car was totaled. They were waiting to do a CT scan of her head because her airbag hadn't deployed. Amy went into rescue mode. I rescheduled Olivia's appointment, dropped the baby off at a friend's to be picked up there, returned my helper home, and headed to the hospital. On the way there, I realized that, although I hadn't thought I had heard my Father's voice in the quiet yesterday morning, I must have heard Him after all. I had THOUGHT I was working hard to stay on my schedule for Olivia's appointment. But really, I was working hard to stay on schedule so I could go to the emergency room for my mom.

"We make our own plans, but the LORD decides where we will go." (Proverbs 16:9)

He knew exactly where I was going, and He made sure I had a reason to stay on schedule yesterday. I guess I did so well at staying on time that He had to send me in search of some lost keys to delay me long enough to keep that sweet baby out of a germy ER waiting area. I made my own plans, but the LORD decided where I would go. I am so grateful to be at the mercy of such a perfect and loving God.

Father, thank You for Your perfect plan. Even in the midst of a  busy and sometimes chaotic day, You were still in control. Thank You for protecting my mom and for guiding me that I might be there for her when she needed me.

In His flawless love,

copyright 2010, Amy Wallace


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