N-O spells NO!

Okay, the internet is working at this moment, so I'm going to type fast. I'm SO sorry it's been so long.....we're having MAJOR issues with Time Warner, but that's another story....

Saturday night, I was finishing up my notes on the Sunday School lesson I would be teaching the next day, and I noticed that I always seem to end up in Romans lately. Whenever I study or put together a lesson, I always end up there sooner or later. I always find encouragement, wisdom, and comfort there. The very next day, my Pastor taught on that very book. I believe he called it a "mountain range of truths." What a beautiful image! Just this morning, as I was reading over the notes in my study Bible, I found one huge truth right at the beginning.

In Chapter 1, verse 13, he tells the Romans that he had planned to come and visit them many times but had been prevented from doing so. He wrote to encourage them and to instruct them. Because he had been unable to get there, he sat down and wrote them a letter, which has become one of the most dearly loved books in the Bible. For me personally, it has provided instruction, correction, encouragement, comfort, wisdom, and power. But what if God had given Paul his desire the moment he desired it? What if Paul had said, "Lord, I want to go to Rome and teach your people there," and God had simply sent him? There would have been no reason to write a letter. There would have been no book of Romans. I wouldn't be sitting here writing this word of encouragement to you! But because of God's sovereign and resounding NO to Paul, this beloved book of Romans came to be.

God has told me NO a lot lately. I have struggled with that....

NO, I'm not giving you a baby right now, even though I will someday.
NO, you're not going to Florida right now, even to make connections for ministry.
No, you're not going to work any more right now, even though I know you need the money.
No, I'm not healing you yet. I have a purpose for your pain.

NO is hard to hear, especially when the desire that prompts me to ask for something is good and godly. Paul must have wondered, "I'm trying to do God's work here....I want to go and teach and encourage this growing body of believers who have gotten the attention of the whole world! Why would He not want me to go there???" It must have been frustrating when all the doors of opportunity slammed in his face. But I thank God that Paul obeyed!!! Out of his obedience, people are still being blessed.

I need to remember that truth when a door slams in my face. I need to surrender my own vision of service and ministry. I need to learn how to serve God with my whole heart, but I need to learn how to do it HIS way. I need to learn from Paul's example and allow God's perfect purpose to flow from my own desperate heart.

Father, thank You for those who are obedient, even when things don't go the way they planned. Help me to live with a vision surrendered to Your perfect plan. Help me to let go of my own expectations and trust that there is divine purpose, even in my pain. Let me find just as much joy in Your NO as I do in Your YES!

In His unfailing love,

copyright 2010, Amy Wallace


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