No matter what, no matter where

Has God ever asked you to do something that goes against every bit of good sense that's in you? Something that seems so impossible and so unreasonable that anyone and everyone around you wonders if you've totally lost your mind? If you've known Him any length of time, I'm sure He has asked. Here's the real question: did you do it?

Extreme faith is a rare way of life these days. Because there is so much information and so many options available, most of us like to have a plan A, a plan B, and a plan C for every situation. We want to be prepared for any kind of diversion from our planned path. We like to know where we're going, don't we? If we didn't, GPS's wouldn't be so popular. The world's way is do your research, make a plan, and work your way to the top. But, as always, things in God's kingdom are the other way around.

The Word says that "without faith it is impossible to please God." (Hebrews 11:6) If God's way were to give us a detailed map of how to reach His desired destination for us, including precise instructions of what to do when we arrive, that would require no faith at all. It would only require good map reading skills. In God's kingdom, He often gives us a vision of where He will take us with no logical way of getting there. Thankfully, making it to the top with God requires no specific skill or ability. It only requires faith.  Simple, but not easy.

As I stand at a crossroads in my life, wondering how in the world God will get me to my own personal Promised Land, a word from yesterday's sermon gently returns to me.  "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." (Psalm 119:105) I don't get to see the whole picture. My life is not like a movie into which the story fits neatly and all the loose ends are tied up within the alloted time frame. It's more like a treasure hunt in some unfamiliar land, where I trust God for the next clue, and He gives it to me in a way that proves His presence and His power beyond the very shadow of a doubt. Sometimes the light of His Word shines only on my very next step. Extreme faith is holding fast to the vision, trusting Him only for that very next step, and following the light of His lamp, no matter what, no matter where.

Father, I have decided to follow Jesus, whether He leads me to the mountain top or the valley. Whether it's fun or not. Whether it feels good or not. Whether it's what I wanted or not. Develop in me a faith that follows Him anywhere, without question or hesitation. Above all else, I desire deeply to please You. Teach me to live in a way that does just that.

In His perfect love,

copyright 2010, Amy Wallace


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