Healing Love

My daughter has the swine flu. Of course, I am horrified that something preventable has made her so sick. When I took her to the flu clinic for her flu shot a few months ago, I didn't have enough cash that day for both shots, and I never got around to taking her back.

Besides the guilt, I have enjoyed taking care of her. Not that I'm glad she's sick, but being the only one she wants gives me the power to comfort her as no one else can. I love making her chicken soup and watching cartoons with her. I love hearing her call me in the night and jumping out of bed on a momma mission. I love knowing that my arms around her somehow make it all better, even if just for a moment.

As I reflect on my unique place in the life of my sick child, I see my Heavenly Father in a new light. Now I understand why "The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." (Psalm 34:18) Although He never enjoys seeing me hurt or broken, He loves being the One I cling to. He loves being the One who can comfort me like no one else. He loves sustaining me and healing me when I am in need. Although He never wants me to have to suffer, He delights in being my Father and coming to my rescue. I am the sick one He came to save (Matthew 9:11), and I find my peace in knowing that all I have to do is turn to Him, and His arms will be there to comfort and protect me every time, no matter what. Oh, how I love my Abba Father!

Dear Lord, thank You for being my all in all. Thank You that You are everything I need and more. Help me to learn through every heartache and struggle that You are my faithful Father and You will always be there to care for me, protect me and heal me.

In His healing love,

Copyright 2010, Amy Wallace


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