A Cup of Coffee

I enjoy choosing my coffee mug each morning. After getting rid of all the ones that had no sentimental value, I was surprised at the number that remained. This morning, I chose a striped one which is part of the first and only matching set I've ever owned. My mom got them for me a couple of years ago along with a handy rack to store them on. When I use them, I remember her thoughtfulness.

There are lots of others. The kitty cat ones from my father's mother that I got after she died. The one I painted myself which boldly declares "Fear Not". And my favorites, a set of one black and one white, simply labeled "Mr." and "Mrs.". It's nice to have daily reminders of how much I am loved. Having come from a long line of packrats, though, there's always the danger of accumulating too much stuff.

The danger for me isn't just about having too much clutter. It's about becoming more attached to the stuff than the memories. That's why some of us can't let go of things. We forget that our memories don't live in our stuff; they live inside of us. The value isn't in the things at all.

Similarly, I have to be careful in the way I enjoy God's blessings. There are too many to even attempt to count. God is so good! Sometimes I forget that provision as basic as food to eat, clean water, indoor plumbing, a safe car, a healthy child, and a warm cozy bed are blessings from God. I become so accustomed to them I forget that having them is a privelege, not a right. In other words, I begin to love the blessings more than the One who blessed me.

In Ezekiel 34, speaking to the people of Israel, says "I will bless them and the places surrounding my hill. I will send down showers in season; there will be showers of blessing...the people will know that I am the LORD". (vv26, 27) Between verses 25 and 31, every time God mentions a blessing, He tells us why-so His people will know He is God.

Does God want us to be comfortable and have good things? Of course! He is a good Father, and He gives His children good things. (Luke 11:11) But the purpose of His generosity is not so we can sit back and languish in the lap of luxury. It's so we will know He is the only sovereign, merciful, and loving LORD! His blessings are merely the means by which He reveals Himself to us. If we get too attached to the stuff, we're going to miss Him!

Be generous with your blessings today. If He asks you to share, don't resist, even if you think you can't afford it. Don't be like the fool in Luke 12:16-21 who stockpiled his stuff for himself and lost his life because of his greed.

When we share what God has given us, then other people see His goodness too. And don't worry when you give something up for the sake of the One who blessed you; there's always more where that came from!

Father, thank You for Your countless blessings! Open my eyes to Your goodness today, and teach me to appreciate not just the blessings You give me, but the perfect love which motivates You to bless me in the first place.

In His gracious love,

Copyright 2010, Amy Wallace


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