Oh, what joy!

Wow. Over the last four or five weeks, everyone in this house except my husband has been sick for at least a week. Thankfully, I got everyone else well before I caught something, and I am just recovering after two weeks of yuck. Life in this body has been rough lately. These are the times that the promise of heaven keeps me going. There is a lot we won't know about heaven til we get there. Olivia and I like to think about it and speculate about what wonderful things we might find there. Will there be cupcakes? Will Bunny (Olivia's lovey since she was 5 months old) be allowed to come with us? (I think he will.) Will it ever rain? Will we be able to sleep, just because naps are so great? There are so many things we don't know yet. But there are a  few things God has already revealed to us about heaven, so that in times like now, we will have that promise to cling to. Here's what I do know.

There will be no sadness. "He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away." Revelation 21:4 So we won't need hospitals.

There will be angels all over the place. The entire book of Revelation tells about their praise to the King.

There will be treasures there that won't decay or be stolen. ( Matthew 6:20) So we won't need locks.

There will be no marriage as we know it. (Matthew 22:30) Divorce will be a thing of the past.

Everything we have ever known will be different. (Revelation 21:5)

All those things are wonderful, and I look forward to the reality of it someday. I long for it. I dream about it. I think about it. Sometimes I can hardly wait, because this life is hard and this world is broken. But there's really only one reason that heaven is a worthwhile goal. It's not for all the awesome things I will find or the peace I will experience. It's not even because I will never know pain or grief again. It's not for all the people I miss so much who will be waiting for me there. There is only one thing that makes heaven my ultimate happy ending. There is only one reason that my heart is already there. If  nothing else but empty space was there, I would still want to go, as long as I could be with my Jesus.

Jesus is the absolute best thing that has ever happened to me. One touch from His nail scarred hand heals wounds so deep they once defined me. A whisper of His voice calms the most violent storm in my life. A glimpse of Him in a dream five years ago changed me forever. He is more real than anything you can find on this earth. Our love affair is more intimate than any sexual experience. His love is my anchor. His Word is my light. He is my Rock, a foundation that will never crumble, no matter what else around me falls. And the best part is, I will never lose Him. He will never disappoint me and He will never walk out on me. He will never change, and our love will only grow deeper forever and ever and ever. Heaven is heaven only because of Him. And when I get there, I will finally be able to touch Him. I will finally be able to throw my arms around Him and give Him a proper thank You for saving my life. I will hear His voice in my ears. I will be able to lay back against Him and breathe and feel His heart beat. Oh, what joy!

Take heart, friend. Life is hard today. But if you know Him, He is yours, and so is heaven. If you don't know Him, call his name. He is waiting. He wants you. Are you ready for the most amazing love affair of your life to begin?

Jesus, you know my heart. I am overwhelmed by Your presence, and I can't even imagine actually standing before You! Thank You for all You have already done for me. Thank You for all You are doing in heaven to prepare a place for me. I can hardly wait to see what You have waiting there for me!

In His most wonderful love,

copyright 2012, Amy Wallace


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