A Roaring Lion

I saw a video this morning of a 3 year old little girl at a zoo. She was inside, peering through the glass at a male lion outside. The reporter said the lion was eating his breakfast when he noticed he was being watched. A stare down followed, and then the lion suddenly jumped up, pawing at the glass and roaring, obviously desiring to attack the child.  What would you do if that happened to you? I would probably scream and run the other way, but this little girl stood there, smiling incredulously at the beast. Didn't he know he couldn't get through that glass to devour her? He didn't, but she did. She knew he couldn't hurt her.

Immediately, I thought of  1Peter 5:8. "Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour."  If you know anything about lions, you'll understand why the Scripture makes this comparison. Lions are formidable predators. They are big - males can grow up to eight feet long and 550 pounds.  They eat meat, and lots of it - males require about fifteen pounds of a meat a day. They have excellent senses, including night vision that is six times greater than humans. That makes them stealthy and very skilled at hunting. I would definitely not want to run into a roaring, hungry lion.

Some people don't believe in the devil, but The Bible warns us throughout the Scriptures that the he is every bit as real as Jesus.  In John 10:10, Jesus teaches that "the thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy." Don't ever be deceived into thinking there is no such thing as evil. I'm surprised that anyone who's ever seen a world news report could believe that. His only goal is to make God's people suffer and stumble and fall, not because he cares about us, but because he wants to ruin it for God. So when you decide to live for God, expect opposition. Jesus promised us in John 16:33 that "in this life, there will be trouble."

Sounds depressing and discouraging, doesn't it? Why would anyone want to live for God then, you ask? That sounds hard! The rest of John 16:33 is the answer. " But take heart! I have overcome the world."

Friends, no matter what kind of opposition you run up against from the enemy of your soul, Jesus is always bigger! He is always stronger! He is always able! Whether it is doubt or depression, cancer or divorce, poverty or confusion, what Jesus Christ did on the cross was more than enough to deliver you. Will it always be easy? Certainly not! Will you always see your deliverance on earth? Maybe not. But He is the Chief Shepherd. (1 Peter 5:4) He is the One who can protect you from that roaring lion. He knows all the tricks and all the traps that have been set for you. He can use your struggles to make you more like Him, and you can know that someday, you will rejoice with Him over it in heaven. He is life. (1 John 1:2) He is light. (John 12:35) He is the Lion of the tribe of Judah (Revelation 5:5), and He is big enough and strong enough to make that roaring devil look like a purring little kitty cat in comparison.  So whatever is troubling you today, however big or impossible it seems, look to your Deliverer and know that He towers over your adversary. He is the safety glass that stands between you and that hungry lion. Be confident, just like that little girl, and know that you are safe.

Lord, thank You that You are my strong tower. I will run to you and be safe! (Proverbs 18:10) I will trust in You, no matter what. I know that what You did on Calvary's cross is always enough to protect me. Though I may be hurt, I will not be harmed, and You will never waste my pain. Thank You for saving me every single day.

In His invincible love,

copyright 2012, Amy Wallace


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