Always enough

I heard a sermon on contentment recently. The preacher on the radio quoted Paul in Philippians 4:12 as saying, "I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want." Sigh. Elusive contentment. Though I didn't realize it for a long time, I was struggling for it, searching for it, trying to make it work. I kept thinking, "If I could just get this bill and this bill paid off, I will finally be content because..." Or sometimes I thought, "If I could just stay home with the kids more, I will finally be content because...." Sometimes I even thought, "If this person in my life would just get it together, I will finally be content because..."

Wrong, wrong, and wrong. But it took me a while to figure it out.

One thing I learned in that sermon is that contentment is not something that comes naturally. That's why Paul had to "learn" it. I realize now that I am currently learning it, too. People are people, and people always want more. The Bible tells us that "the eyes of man are never satisfied." (Proverbs 27:20)  It also talks about "the cravings of sinful man". (1John 2:16) I know it's true, because I also have eyes and cravings that are never satisfied.

 Can you just eat one potato chip? Do you eat one Krispy Kreme donut and think, "hmm, that was good. Glad I ate it." Or do you desire to just devour an entire box of them because they're just so YUMMY? 

Do you ever really have enough closet space? Or enough counter space? Or enough money? Even after nine hours, are you ready to jump out of bed, or do you wish you could sleep just a  little longer? And I don't know about you, but I could sit there and watch 20 episodes in a row of 3rd Rock from the Sun and not even notice that the entire day is gone. What about you? What can you never get enough of?

Here's what God has taught me recently. Here's what He whispered in my ear one day as I was striving toward some goal which I thought would allow me to enjoy that elusive contentment. "Stop waiting for life to be easy. Life on earth will never be easy." Although it looks discouraging as I type it on the computer screen, a huge weight lifted off of me when He spoke that truth into my heart. There is nothing I can do in my own power to make life easy. I can stop trying! Once I realized that there is nothing I can do to control, change, or manipulate my situation enough to make myself content in it, I could finally rest in it. Jesus promised that "in this life, you will have trouble." (John 16:33) I can count on it and expect it. Life will be hard. 

The great part is that there is One who has overcome this world and all the trouble that is in it. His name is Jesus. He created me. (John 1:3)  He loves me, so much that He came down from Heaven and taught me how to live. He died so I could be with Him forever. (John 3:16) His Holy Spirit is always in me, comforting, guiding, and teaching me everything I need to know. (1Corinthians 3:16) I am never alone! And no matter what comes my way, Jesus is always more than enough to handle it. I don't have to ever worry or strive. He promised me that if I just bring it to Him first, I can have rest. (Matthew 11:28) THAT is the secret that Paul mentioned about contentment, and I am learning it too. The Aramaic Bible in Plain English puts it this way: "Because I master all things by The Master who empowers me." (Philippians 4:13) You might know it this way: "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." 

Whatever it is, you can do it. Take it to Jesus. He will always be enough, every single time.

Jesus, thank You that You are always more than enough for me. Thank You that I never have to strive to find You. Thank You that, because Your Holy Spirit lives in me, You are always here, and I am never alone. Help me to find my contentment there, knowing that You really are all I will ever need. You are my best friend in all the world, and the only One I really need.

In His unfailing love,

copyright 2012, Amy Wallace


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