Joseph's Lullaby

Having a baby boy in my arms at Christmas time has changed my whole experience this year. I always wondered what it must have been like for Mary and Joseph. Watching Jake sleep these days gives me such a new heart for Jesus' earthly parents and what it must have been like the night He came into the world. As I watch my baby grow and help him through all the difficult moments of being a baby and learning what the world is like, I am amazed anew at the fact that Jesus, our Messiah, the treasure and glory of Heaven, chose to come into this dirty and imperfect world, born from His mother's womb just like the rest of us, helpless and naked, like the rest of us. He chose to experience birth, growing pains, disappointment, tears, torture, and death-all so that you and I could have a way back to the Father we have all forsaken. Thank You, Jesus!

And thank you, Joseph and Mary, for changing the diapers and rocking the crying Baby. Thank you for being spit up on and woken up in the night. Thank you for feeding Him and teaching Him and loving Him. Without your loving care, it couldn't have been done.

Father, thank You for Your perfect plan. Thank You for Your perfect Son, Jesus. Thank You for giving Him for me and to me. He is the most wonderful gift I've ever received, and I will cherish Him always.

In His matchless love,

copyright 2011, Amy Wallace


  1. What a wonderful tribute to the Savior of us all! I love you dear Amy! Thank you for your example, and the love that radiates from you! Merry Christmas!


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