Jack, the Frog Murderer, still lies in wait...

I have a cat named Jack-Jack. Some of you  might remember him as the frog murderer. He has successfully killed and eaten two or three of our little dwarf frogs and has attempted to eat the sole survivor, Frank, three times. I finally wised up and put Frank's little cube inside of the hermit crab aquarium where he's safe. But even after two years, Jack-Jack still hasn't given up. I can't even guess how many hours a day he spends on top of that tank, face pressed against the screen, staring intently at the tiny frog below. Sometimes he sits right beside it, watching Frank's every move. At night, I've had to start draping a towel over the top so that Jack doesn't wake Olivia up pawing at the screen.

I know it's pointless for Jack to sit up there day after day, because I know he can't get in there; I've made sure of that. I know he's wasting his time, when there are so many other fun things he could be doing. But he doesn't. I'm not really sure if he's waiting for the lid to just magically disappear or what. Sometimes I wonder if Frank is really his best friend and they're having wonderful conversations about what they would do if that cage weren't standing in their way. Then I remember all Jack's prior assassination attempts and get over that dream. He would eat him in a second if he could.

Although Jack-Jack's heart is set on an unreachable prize, I do desire his dedication. Oh, that my faith were as steadfast as his hope of eating Frank the frog!! He never forgets. A day never goes by that he doesn't sit and stare and dream. He watches that frog's every move, just waiting for a way to get in there. I have secret dreams that God has given me. I even have desires that God has promised to fulfill, and yet, I doubt. I don't see how He's going to do it, so in my heart of hearts, I struggle to believe. If I would only fix my eyes on the Author and perfecter of my faith (Hebrews 12:2) the way Jack fixes his eyes on that frog, I would be okay!

It's so easy to get distracted in this crazy world. There are always problems to be solved and groceries to be bought, mouths to feed and bills to pay. Bodies get sick. Hearts hurt. And yet, God never changes. He is steadfast. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. (Hebrews 13:8) The joy of knowing Him is not an unattainable prize. In fact, it's the ultimate prize!! I need to learn a few things about persistence and perseverance from this silly cat here. While it's an exercise in futility for him, it is my very lifeline to the One who has promised me something way better than a tasty little frog.

  "Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him." (James 1:12)

Father, teach me how to fix my eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of my faith. Help me to surrender and allow Him to perfect this fragile faith of mine. Forgive my doubt. I have experienced Your miracle working power in my own heart, my own life, and my own family. Help me to remember all You have done for me, and grow my faith that I might expect even more amazing things from You now!
In His patient love,
copyright 2010, Amy Wallace


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