Harvest of Blessing

I'm enjoying a quiet evening at home. Keeping me company tonight is an unlikely group including not only my husband and daughter, but also my ex-husband and his wife. They are cuddled up on the couch with Olivia, while Chris is in the kitchen doing something or other. If I had a book of snapshots of great moments in my life, this would definitely be one.

Almost five years ago, my first husband and I unexpectedly separated. The next night, I sat in a tiny Full Gospel church in Seaside, California, brokenhearted and confused. As I sat in a pew alone, God gave me a word of encouragement that whispers in my ear even now. It was read in the King James version, and that's how I remember it: "Let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." (Galatians 6:9) The New Living Translation promises a "harvest of blessing". At the time, all I heard was "let us not be weary in well doing". God spoke as clearly to me as if He were physically sitting beside me. "You have to love him anyway," He said. I didn't understand. I didn't know that much more than a marriage was at stake.  I just wanted to please my Father, so I obeyed. In the beginning, I never imagined the countless blessings that would follow. But as it became more and more difficult to show mercy to someone who didn't desire me or my mercy, I began to remember God's promise of the harvest. I clung to that promise during the years when everything else seemed hopeless.

Before we were divorced, my whole image of success was a saved marriage.  When the divorce finally happened, for a moment, I felt defeated, hopeless, and confused. Maybe I had heard God wrong...Imagine my surprise when He reminded me again that "you have to love him anyway." My mind could not conceive of the beautiful plan He had for us. My knowledge was limited; His was limitless. But because I took God at His word and trusted in His promise and His purpose, the harvest still continues. His perfect mercy has saved souls and changed lives.

My ex husband and his wife now belong to the living God. I have been honored to witness the transformation for which I faithfully prayed but could not imagine. Oh, "how good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!" (Psalm 133:1) Today, I am blessed to worship with my ex husband and his wife. She attends my Sunday school class when they're in town. We attended each other's weddings last year. He came and sat in the waiting room with me when Olivia had her surgery. And tonight, they are cuddled up on my couch with her, laughing and happy. Among all the other blessings that have come, this one still amazes me beyond measure...that, even though it didn't turn out the way I originally expected, Olivia now has FOUR godly parents who are actually able to enjoy each other's company; that is truly miraculous!

Has God asked you to do the impossible? Has He asked you to love the unlovable? Has He asked you to give up your right to be right for the sake of His kingdom? No matter how impossible your situation may seem, I have a promise for you today. God's grace is sufficient for you. (2Corinthians 12:9) For those who will humbly obey, take up their cross, and follow Him, He promises that

"Instead of their shame
my people will receive a double portion,
and instead of disgrace
they will rejoice in their inheritance;
and so they will inherit a double portion in their land,
and everlasting joy will be theirs." (Isaiah 61:7)
Father, thank You for Your faithful promises. Thank You that, even when I can't see how You will put it all together, I can still trust that Your ways are perfect. Help me to always remember Your faithfulness when nothing makes sense. Remind me of the harvest of blessing that's still raining down on me, all because of Your promise to me.
In His perfect love,
copyright 2010, Amy Wallace


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