I want to LIVE!

Chris and I have been involved this week in a full scale dramatic production at church. A husband and wife team from Canada have been travelling all over for years and years directing and producing this thing. The most amazing part to me is that the cast was chosen Saturday morning. We rehearsed Saturday afternoon. We went home Saturday night and learned our lines. We came back after church Sunday and rehearsed twice. Sunday night was the first performance. There were estimated to be around 500 people in our sanctuary. And wow, God showed up.

At the conclusion of the play, there was an altar call. It was an invitation for those who didn't know Jesus, who had never entered into that saving and transforming relationship with Him. This was their chance to meet Him for real and begin a journey that will lead them to freedom, joy, victory and peace like they've never known. The cast were all standing behind the stage, Bibles in hand, just waiting to come out and pass out these precious books to all who would come forward with a desire to know this Jesus we'd just been telling them about for the last hour. We couldn't see a thing from where we were standing; we could only hear prayer, and we all pressed in closely, praying, eager to get out there and see our new brothers and sisters, like a bunch of kids in the maternity ward waiting room.  Jesus said in John 3:3  "I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again." That's exactly what was happening out there; a whole lot of spiritual birth.

When we were finally called out, what I saw took my breath away. There were over a hundred people standing around our humble altar, crowded close, pressing in to reach Jesus. There were children, old people, lots of teenagers, praise the Lord!!! I've never seen so many added to the kingdom at one time! As I stepped forward and began passing out the Bibles I had for them, their hands reached out, pushing through the crowd, straining forward to grab the Word. I will never forget that image as long as I live. I want it to become a part of me.

I want to be like those newly born again believers, so desperate for God's Word that I will press through any crowd, any circumstance, any struggle to get it. I want it to be so important to me that I will stay up late or get up early or turn off the tv or computer to get my fill. I want it to be my first thought in the morning, and my prayer in the middle of the night. "Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD." (Deuteronomy 8:3) Notice it doesn't say that man does not survive by bread alone. No, he LIVES by every word that comes from the mouth of the sovereign LORD. And I don't know about you, but I want to LIVE!!

Father, thank You for Your mighty power and your gracious ways of showing it. Thank You for all those who have been added to Your kingdom in these last days. Remind me of that newness of faith. Let me always be like a child in Your presence. Let me always remember that You are the only One I can never get enough of. Help me never to forget the importance of Your Word that teaches, corrects, and trains me (2Timothy 3:16) for the work You have for me. Keep me always hungry for You, Father, all the days of my life.

In Jesus' mighty love,

copyright 2010, Amy Wallace


  1. Reading this a second time doesn't take away the amazing effect it has on my heart! This is sooo amazing!! Praise God!


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